Charles F. Hummel Circle 2019
The Society of Winterthur Fellows gratefully acknowledges the following
for their generous contributions of $1,000 or more.
(Honor Roll donations are recognized for the calendar year during which they are received.)
John H. Demer
Coco Kim, in memory of John A. H. Sweeney
Debra Hess Norris
Nicholas Schonberger
University of Delaware, Department of Art Conservation
for their generous contributions of $1,000 or more.
(Honor Roll donations are recognized for the calendar year during which they are received.)
John H. Demer
Coco Kim, in memory of John A. H. Sweeney
Debra Hess Norris
Nicholas Schonberger
University of Delaware, Department of Art Conservation
Honor Roll of Donors 2019
The Society of Winterthur Fellows gratefully acknowledges the following
for their generous contributions above the membership level.
(Honor Roll donations are recognized for the calendar year during which they are received.)
Cathryn Anders
Désirée Caldwell Armitage
Caitlin Emery Avenia
John M. Bacon, in memory of Neville Thompson
Justina Barrett
Nicholas Bell, in honor of Brock Jobe
Elisabeth Kaplan Boas
Debra Breslin
Lauren Brincat
Lauren Brunk
Alison Buchbinder
Susan L. Buck, in memory of Bruno Pouliot
Jason T. Busch
Dana Byrd
Cary Carson
John D. Childs
Wendy A. Cooper
Madeline Corona
Jonathan Cox
Margaret Loew Craft
Ann Miller Daniel
Amber Degn
Ellen Denker
Alexandra Deutsch
Alice Dickinson
Jeannine Disviscour, in honor of J. Ritchie Garrison
Madeline Estill
Nancy Goyne Evans
Doris Fanelli
Donald L. Fennimore
Joanna Frang
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Garvin
Anne C. Golovin, in memory of Rodris Roth (WPEAC 1956)
Amy H. Griffin, in memory of John Dennis
Jeff Groff
Elton Hall
Doris Hamburg
Rebecca Hammell
Bret Headley
Constance Hershey
Margaret K. Hofer
Suzanne Hood
Beth A. Twiss Houting
Charles Hummel
Darrell Hyder
Christie Jackson
Brock Jobe
Patricia Kane
Cyntia Karnes
David W. Kiehl
Jackie Killian
Coco Kim
Anne Kingery-Schwartz
Ann Kirschner
Alexandra Kirtley
Courtney Shimoda Knapp
Laureen LaBar
Linda Landry
Amanda Lange, in memory of Susan B. Swan
Dwight and Lorri Lanmon
Kate LaPrad
Elizabeth Laurent
Frank Levy
Mary McGinn
Elihu John McKee
Katherine Menz
Mary Cheek Mills
M. Michelle Morris
Jean M. Mudge
David Nathans, in memory of Charles F. Montgomery
Sarah Parks
John Paschetto
Elyse Poinsett
Nancy R. Pollak
A. Nicholas Powers
Julia Ream
Wendy Wick Reaves
Andrew Richmond
Catharine Dann Roeber
Elizabeth Garrett Ryan, in memory of Megan M. Giordano WPEAC 2005
Thomas R. Ryan, in memory of John A. H. Sweeney
Robin Sarratt
Susan Schoelwer, in memory of Michael Brown
Ann Shaftel, in memory of Maura F. Cornman (WUDPAC 1978)
Monica Shah, in memory of Bruno Pouliot
Jessica Silverman
Julie Solz
Staci Steinberger
Michelle Sullivan
Jennifer Swope
Page Talbott, in honor of J. Ritchie Garrison
Matthew Thurlow
Yana van Dyke
Nicholas C. Vincent
Laura Wahl
Kelsey Wingel
Renée Wolcott, in memory of Bruno Pouliot and John Dennis
for their generous contributions above the membership level.
(Honor Roll donations are recognized for the calendar year during which they are received.)
Cathryn Anders
Désirée Caldwell Armitage
Caitlin Emery Avenia
John M. Bacon, in memory of Neville Thompson
Justina Barrett
Nicholas Bell, in honor of Brock Jobe
Elisabeth Kaplan Boas
Debra Breslin
Lauren Brincat
Lauren Brunk
Alison Buchbinder
Susan L. Buck, in memory of Bruno Pouliot
Jason T. Busch
Dana Byrd
Cary Carson
John D. Childs
Wendy A. Cooper
Madeline Corona
Jonathan Cox
Margaret Loew Craft
Ann Miller Daniel
Amber Degn
Ellen Denker
Alexandra Deutsch
Alice Dickinson
Jeannine Disviscour, in honor of J. Ritchie Garrison
Madeline Estill
Nancy Goyne Evans
Doris Fanelli
Donald L. Fennimore
Joanna Frang
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Garvin
Anne C. Golovin, in memory of Rodris Roth (WPEAC 1956)
Amy H. Griffin, in memory of John Dennis
Jeff Groff
Elton Hall
Doris Hamburg
Rebecca Hammell
Bret Headley
Constance Hershey
Margaret K. Hofer
Suzanne Hood
Beth A. Twiss Houting
Charles Hummel
Darrell Hyder
Christie Jackson
Brock Jobe
Patricia Kane
Cyntia Karnes
David W. Kiehl
Jackie Killian
Coco Kim
Anne Kingery-Schwartz
Ann Kirschner
Alexandra Kirtley
Courtney Shimoda Knapp
Laureen LaBar
Linda Landry
Amanda Lange, in memory of Susan B. Swan
Dwight and Lorri Lanmon
Kate LaPrad
Elizabeth Laurent
Frank Levy
Mary McGinn
Elihu John McKee
Katherine Menz
Mary Cheek Mills
M. Michelle Morris
Jean M. Mudge
David Nathans, in memory of Charles F. Montgomery
Sarah Parks
John Paschetto
Elyse Poinsett
Nancy R. Pollak
A. Nicholas Powers
Julia Ream
Wendy Wick Reaves
Andrew Richmond
Catharine Dann Roeber
Elizabeth Garrett Ryan, in memory of Megan M. Giordano WPEAC 2005
Thomas R. Ryan, in memory of John A. H. Sweeney
Robin Sarratt
Susan Schoelwer, in memory of Michael Brown
Ann Shaftel, in memory of Maura F. Cornman (WUDPAC 1978)
Monica Shah, in memory of Bruno Pouliot
Jessica Silverman
Julie Solz
Staci Steinberger
Michelle Sullivan
Jennifer Swope
Page Talbott, in honor of J. Ritchie Garrison
Matthew Thurlow
Yana van Dyke
Nicholas C. Vincent
Laura Wahl
Kelsey Wingel
Renée Wolcott, in memory of Bruno Pouliot and John Dennis