The Society of Winterthur Fellows Board of Directors is made up of 11 volunteer alumni, who are elected to their Board roles by the entire Society membership during an annual business meeting in November. Each director serves for a maximum of three 2-year terms. The directors meet by phone or online platform once a month to plan events, discuss membership, and chart the future of the Society.
Please consider serving on the Nominating Committee (a 1-year obligation), or nominating yourself or a fellow alumnus for service as a Society director! As the Society continues to grow and evolve, the Board and Nominating Committee are committed to nominating and electing Society members who reflect the diversity of our alumni body (in terms of race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation or expression, and geographical location) and provide parity in representation between the Culture and Conservation programs. We also hope our events and discussions speak to the needs and interests of all our community members. Please feel free to share your ideas and energy with us. Contact [email protected].